Fanless Computer L511 intel i5/11th
The L511 Fanless Computer, Intel Core i5 11th processor, is a powerful and economical fanless industrial desktop PC, designed from industrial-grade components for maritime use.
Fanless desktop PCs, rugged or semi-rugged laptops
(Toshiba, Getac, Panasonic Toughbook,...)
Low-consumption screens, iPad accessories...
Here you will find all the computer equipment suitable for life at sea.
Fanless desktop PCs, rugged or semi-rugged laptops
(Toshiba, Getac, Panasonic Toughbook,...)
Low-consumption screens, iPad accessories...
Here you will find all the computer equipment suitable for life at sea.
The L511 Fanless Computer, Intel Core i5 11th processor, is a powerful and economical fanless industrial desktop PC, designed from industrial-grade components for maritime use.
Cet ordinateur Fanless L311, disque ssd, alimentation 9-18 volts DC, est un PC fixe sans ventilateur ultra-basse consommation.
La F110 est la tablette de Getac complètement durcie la plus fine et la plus légère jamais fabriquée sous Windows.
C’est une véritable révolution dans l’informatique des tablettes durcies, elle allie performance, sécurité, réactivité, luminosité…
Cet adaptateur double rotule permet le raccordement de deux bras articulés.